La Garrotxa, land of meetings among volcanoes.
In La Garrotxa there are more and more companies specializing in meeting tourism, and thanks to the improvements they are implementing thanks to the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism, their level of excellence increases every year.
The offer, then, is rich and varied, and can cover the needs of the most demanding company.
That's why we want you to know all these companies first-hand. In this section you will find companies from sectors as diverse but complementary as accommodation of all sizes and categories, restaurants for all palates, companies specializing in coffee breaks, caterings, activity companies and even receptive travel agencies that can organize the event that you are preparing.
All these companies are part of Meetings between Volcanoes, an initiative promoting the special offer in meetings and incentive tourism that was born thanks to the Municipality of Olot, and that since 2015 promotes Turisme Garrotxa.
We hope that the services you provide will live up to your expectations.
* image courtesy of Agència receptiva Nit i Vol.